Teeth Whitening

The Wonderful First Impression of A Brilliant Smile

Many people have heard the famous quote that "you only get one chance to make a first impression." Whether you are on a first date, making an important sales presentation, or nervously stepping into your high school reunion, your confidence will receive a wonderful boost when you know your smile is at its best. Teeth whitening is a wonderful treatment for brightening your smile.

There are few options for those considering having their teeth whitened. Be sure to check with our staff at Trail Ridge Dental for additional details about each option.

  • Dental-assisted whitening - This treatment involves professional help from the staff at your dentist's office and is the most effective option available. The top advantage to this option is that you will see the results immediately. Your smile will be whitened by several shades in only one office visit. If you need a brilliant smile in a hurry, this is the option for you.
  • Teeth whitening gels or trays - While these options are a bit easier on the pocket book, they do not provide the clear results that an office visit does. The whitening solutions provided with these kits are not as strong as the solution available at your dentist. These kits are also limited in their tray sizes which can contribute to some discomfort for you if the trays provided do not fit you just right.
  • Teeth whitening strips - This option is simple and usually effective, but you will need to allow a few days to see the results you are seeking.
  • Teeth whitening toothpaste - Most of these toothpastes advertised as a tooth whitening treatment are, in reality, just a polishing treatment.

If the method you choose is an effective one, it will likely be using peroxide as the active agent. The treatment basically bleaches your teeth. While the results are not permanent, they are definitely effective and produce a beautiful smile.